Friday 18 March 2016

Productive Month

It has been said many times by many people including me that once I had some time off that I would finish off projects and get more involved in my art.  As for finishing projects, I haven't really gotten around to that....they are out and waiting for me.  Because I now have more time to devote to my charity work and now belong to two different knitting & crocheting groups, I have been frantically (not sure what the rush is) searching for patterns to work on.  

The George sock monkey pattern from Ravelry struck a chord with folks and I am now making several of those.  The Izzy comfort dolls are also in a production line as well as three different afghans that I have to put together.  All these projects as well as my own have put me into the frame of mind that I should be scheduling the completing dates and strive toward achieving my goal.  With that said, my calendar now has dates on it and I will give you progress reports when finished (some are not planned until trailer time in the summer, so don't hold your breath!).

I have been dabbling in acrylic paintings and have discovered that I am not a cloud person, but I really like making the backgrounds!!!  The original orange cloud picture has been changed and the trees are gone.  It now has grass heads on the bottom of it.

The second cloud picture made it home, but not past the third day...I applied gesso all over it and repainted it with an abstract background.  It is waiting for a foreground subject...probably floral.  I discovered with the third painting that I like doing flowers.  Here is the poppy picture that I painted on March 7

The classes that I have been taking are being taught by a very good friend of mine who is breathtakingly fantastic artist and who is taking the opportunity to teach others how to paint.  In order to help her keep her costs down, I made her some aprons for her students.

There was a twofold purpose for this...the first to help her with her costs and the second to use some of the fabric that has been in my basement for a while.  The turquoise and blue striped fabric were two fabrics that I couldn't bring myself to cut because I was waiting for the perfect project for them.  Guess I found that project!!!

I also had two very special friends' birthdays this month and made a shutter card for each of them.  In keeping with my using what I have and trying to use up scrap paper, here is one of the cards that I sent:

With the Cricut Explore and a file created by Narelle Darley (, this card was easily created and was fun.  Inspiration came from Sandy Allnock (

Last but not least (I did mention it was a productive month), I joined a scrapbooking crop  -- for those that know me, please take a deep breath....I am alright in early March and in late April, I will be participating in a card crop.  Both are sponsored by the closed Facebook Group Cricut Design Space and if the card crop was as good as the scrapbooking one, it will be a blast.  So far I have designed several cards and submitted 8 with more ideas rambling around in my brain.  I submitted two scrapbook layouts and snagged almost 100 more from other designers.  My Cricut Explore will be humming in the near future.

Thanks for reading!  Have a wonderful day and may your crafting find some productivity as well.

Friday 26 February 2016

Cricut Explore Files

I am participating in a Cricut Explore crop on March 12 and have been designing some pages.

Here are two links to two double spread layouts celebrating the birth of a grandchild.  In order to access these files, you must have Cricut Design Space as well as subscription to Cricut Access.  They are fully editable to suit your picture sizes.

Should you wander onto this site, I hope you enjoy these files.  My goal is to start posting more of my designs whether it be clipart, Cricut related (both the Expression which uses the Cricut Craftroom and the Explore).

Here they are:  -  Grandfather page  -  Grandmother page

Have a wonderful and don't forget that a smile goes a long way and can make someone's day better!

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Hello again!

After a very long absenc, I am rejoining the blogging world.  Hopefully, will be more consistent and now that I am retired, more creative!

In addition to the cardmaking and the mixed media, I have been dabbling in painting and Cricut Design Space.  My crocheting and knitting output has increased substantially.  I am currently working on Quiet Book pages for our granddaughters and am in the planning stages for more sewing projects.

Once again, I have made myself the promise that I would not spend much in the way of crafting as I have shelves overflowing with product that is begging to be used.  I also do not want to start another craft as there are not enough hours in the day to do what I want to do now.

For the most part, I have been successful and have been pleased with my results.  My Christmas and Valentine cards were 95% scrap materials and I will be posting pics later.

I am starting to get excited about sharing my bits and pieces of creativity.  As Gord told me yesterday....I am an artist, but too afraid to admit it.  Consequently, by publishing this comment...I am now proudly admitting to being an artist whether I am good or bad at what I do is up to you, the viewer as I am creating what makes me feel as if I have accomplished an artful project.

Today's art is the most recent painting that I completed following a Paint Morning that was taught by my friend and very accomplished artist, Marilyn McConnell.