Monday 24 March 2014

I'm Back!!!!

After an absence of more than a year, I am back in the swing of things.  It takes a long time to recover from damage done by a mentally ill loved one and even longer to realize that the situation cannot be fixed.  Enough of my whining and on to my accomplishments......

In the last two weeks, I have finished over 70 cosmetic / shoebags for a local charity and have still more to go.  The pile is slowly getting smaller and that is all that matters.

I have finished a rag quilt for a co-worker who is celebrating the birth of his son.  Along with that quilt, will be a scrapbook made by moi for the little guy and a castle book for his princess sister done on the Cricut.

I am making great strides in my scrapbooking of our trip last May.

I have organized all my quilting material and supplies as well as my stamp supplies and papers.

I have joined a crochet a block a week group.  Beautiful blocks....if interested, visit  Her site is fantastic and you don't have to sign up to do the blocks.  Come join the fun.

I have made arrangements to start teaching again  -  something I thought I would never do, but hey.....let's give it a whirl.

As much as I miss my old job, I am enjoying the freedom to create again and the ability to enjoy my youngest granddaughter.  My oldest granddaughter is still having things made for her even though she will never receive them at the time the gifts were meant to be given.  I put them away in the hopes that she may come looking for her grandparents in the future.

Great progress...with much more to come.

Until next time........enjoy your life and every moment that you have with your loved ones.


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