Saturday 14 January 2012


Everybody has one....losing weight seems to be the #1 resolution closely followed by becoming more organized.  I am proud of myself in the fact that over the past year, I have been organising my various craft rooms (yes, rooms) so that I can more efficiently find materials for projects or even the UFOs that are cluttering my life.

Therefore, my resolution is to lose weight both physically & mentally.  I resolve that I will use my craft supplies and try very hard not to buy any new supplies.  This means that I am looking forward to making a card and using what I have on hand.  After telling a friend this resolution, she very kindly offered me her stash as well....not sure if this is a good thing or not, but time will tell.  By using my supplies, I know that I am decreasing my stash and the guilt associated with not using my stuff (that's the mental part of the weight loss).

The second part to my resolution is to pull out those UFOs and finish them or get rid of them.  As I have been trying to do catch up to my ambitious ideas, I have been making myself finish projects from the past and trying to avoid more clutter.  To this end, I started a calendar with the various projects that I am working on in the various crafts I work in and posted it in several areas of the house to keep me on track.

By starting this process, I have learned a few self truths.

1.  I bite off more than I can chew.
2.  My crafting eyes are bigger than my budget or my house.
3.  I am not the type of person that is happy working on one project at a time and I get easily   bored.
4.  I am trainable. I can and will do this for me.

The pictures that are featured are cards that I have imagined for quite a while and finally made.

Dreamweaver stencils are featured as well as Stampscapes stamps. If you would like more info on how to make the cards, please email me.

1 comment:

  1. These are awesome! Good for you with your resolutions-#2-me too! Keep it up, I love to see your work here!
